SMA Sunny Portal Professional vs. Solytic
Both SMA's Sunny Portal Professional and Solytic are providers for professional PV monitoring of commercial PV systems or system portfolios. A significant difference: SMA is not only specialized in software, but mainly in hardware. After all, SMA is one of the largest inverter manufacturers worldwide. Solytic, however, focuses on software only. According to SMA, the focus of the Sunny Portal Professional is on system capacities up to 2.5 MWp.
Price comparison
SMA has not yet published price information, so that the following compact comparison will be limited to the features.
Feature comparison
Sunny Portal offers a basic set of functions. However, two decisive features simplifying the handling of the software are missing.
Own hardware required


own hardware required
Portfolio Management

Control room view

Display of a technical string plan or digital twin

Data visualization intervals

1 min onwards

Current & aggregated values
Weather satellite data

Irradiation calculation based on satellite & sensor data

Target-performance comparison

Display of Performance Ratio

in beta

Advanced analysis functions (snow cover, shading, contamination)


Diagrams comparable across plants

Automatic error detection

Error message via email

Interpretation of error images

Self learning error detection (e.g. ML, AI)


Ticketing system

User admin with rights assigned

Number of users with access to the system


Own hardware required
Portfolio Management
Control room view
Display of a technical string plan or digital twin
Data visualization intervals
Weather satellite data
Irradiation calculation based on satellite & sensor data
Target-performance comparison
Display of Performance Ratio
Advanced analysis functions (snow cover, shading, contamination)
Diagrams comparable across plants
Automatic error detection
Error message via email
Interpretation of error images
Self learning error detection (e.g. ML, AI)
Ticketing system
User admin with rights assigned
Number of users with access to the system

own hardware required
1 min onwards
Current & aggregated values
in beta
SMA data according to PV-Magazine Produktdatenbank Monitoringsysteme, status: November 2018
After taking a closer look, it quickly becomes obvious that the two solutions mainly differ in their transparency over prices. Plus, the SMA Sunny Portal Professional misses two features Solytic provides.
Would you like to compare the SMA Sunny Portal, Solytic, and 10 other providers in detail? Then download our detailed PV monitoring market overview.
Get to know Solytic's PV monitoring portal