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About Solytic

Solytic is one of Europe's leading independent energy-IoT-data platforms, connecting production data from different energy technologies and manufacturers, enabling the digital transition towards a renewable electricity grid of decentralized stakeholders.
Solytic is a cleantech software company from Berlin, founded in 2017 with the vision to make the use of solar energy easier for everyone and in that way contribute to a sustainable energy transition. Solytic’s core product is a manufacturer and hardware-independent monitoring software solution for distributed PV systems. The technology-independent cloud solution has also been sold as a white label to major customers for several years. In more than 60 countries, around 200,000 PV systems and over 50,000 batteries have already been connected to the Solytic energy IoT platform. Several OEMs have chosen to work with Solytic as a system provider. With increasing customer demands, Solytic has already expanded its solution portfolio to include charging infrastructure and plans to start with heat pumps in the near future.
connected solar PV systems
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Frank Scheibe
Leitung Unternehmenskommunikation
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