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User Management

Optimize management and collaboration, and enhance security through effective user management.

Create and manage unlimited users

Assign and define user roles, specifying which sites the user should have access to

Grant site-specific permissions

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Efficiently manage users

Create an unlimited number of users and edit or remove them as needed in our centralized user management system.

Grant access to selected sites

Select a parent user role and define which sites the respective user should have access to.

Set site-specific permissions

Depending on the selection of the user role, specific permissions can be assigned for each site. For example, you can easily specify which sites a user can monitor exclusively and which ones they can also edit.


Which user roles are available?
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The user roles "Customer Admin", "User", and "Investor" are available for selection. These roles can be assigned with different permissions. An overview can be found here: FAQ article user roles

Popular Features

Explore more features of our software

Our software offers a variety of functions while remaining clear and easy to use.


Easily create new facilities within minutes on your own.


Gain a quick overview of your entire portfolio as well as individual sites.


Analyze your sites and compare individual devices such as inverters, MPP trackers, and string combiners.


Significant KPIs for effective analysis and meaningful reporting.


Generate performance reports and have them automatically sent to employees, customers, or partners.

Alarms & Tickets

Receive direct notifications about occurring alarms and assign these to tickets and employees.
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